
How to Stop Itchy Feet Quickly (7 Natural Home Remedies)

How To Stop Itchy Feet

Itchy Feet? What Are Those?

Having itchy feet means to have a sensation around the feet that leads to an urge to scratch the area. Itchiness makes a person scratch the skin on any part of the body until you feel relief.

We do understand that itchy feet are very annoying and sometimes even completely unbearable.

Any skin infection may lead to itchy hands, feet, and toes. They are common in people of any age, whether child, adult, or senior citizen.

This article will reveal the symptoms and causes of itchy feet, as well as highlight the treatments to stop this condition. In addition, you will learn how to avoid itchy feet and prevent relapse once treated.

Causes of itchy feet

Itchy feet result in redness, swelling, spots, or sometimes even skin tears. In medical jargon, this weird itching is also called pruritus. It may actually occur on any part of the body, but usually our feet are more vulnerable to this condition.

In some cases, it may feel as if the skin on the feet is "on fire," occurring suddenly and permanently. If you experience this, you must learn how to fight against itchy feet and treat the condition as soon as it arises.


If a person feels any sensation around the feet that urges him/her to badly scratch the area, this means that the has the problem of itchy feet. The symptoms include:

  • Redness
  • Rashes
  • Inflammation
  • Skin peeling
  • Bleeding
  • Terrible scratching
  • Painful blisters


Itchiness around the feet may be an indication of skin issues caused by:

  • Allergies such as any bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Excessive sweating due to the work environment or conditions like Athlete’s foot.
  • Skin conditions like dryness, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
  • Peripheral neuropathy, a condition where sensory nerves start malfunctioning.
  • Wearing shoes and socks for a long period of time or walking barefoot.
  • Diseases such as diabetes.

How To Stop itchy feet

How To Stop itchy feet

Itchiness is not that serious of an issue, but if it is not treated promptly, it may lead to severe problems such as:

  • Foot ulcer
  • Hives and many other skin issues

We suggest the following effective ways to deal with itchy feet:

1. Baking Soda


Baking soda is a very effective home remedy to treat itchy feet as it contains high anti-inflammatory properties that stop itchiness.

  • Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water.
  • Mix some baking soda in the tub.
  • Soak your itchy feet in the bathtub for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash your feet properly and dry them afterwards.

As an alternative, you can apply the baking soda as a paste by mixing three teaspoons of water with one teaspoon of baking soda. Leave the paste on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

2. Saltwater

Saltwater helps treat painful, itchy skin conditions and protects against blisters and rashes. 

  • Mix two teaspoons of salt in one pint of warm water.
  • Put the mixture in a pan or container.
  • Soak the itchy area in the mixture for 10 minutes and rinse afterwards.
  • For better results, repeat the process every one or two hours.

3. Petroleum Jelly


Petroleum jelly is a highly effective remedy if the condition persists due to dry skin. It has the potential to revive dry and dead skin, locking in moisture and getting rid of the dryness that causes itchiness.

  • Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the itchy toe area.
  • For better results, put on socks once the jelly is applied.

4. Walnut Hulls

food for runners to avoid

Walnut hulls are the best and most efficient home remedy to soothe skin hives. 

  • Heat a mixture of one teaspoon of grounded walnut hulls and a cup of water over medium heat.
  • Sift it through a fine net.
  • Pour half of the liquid that is fairly hot on the affected area then dry the feet with a clean towel.
  • After that, make a home moisturizer using 3 tablespoons of calendula oil, 10 drops of tea tree oil,  and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Massage the mixture over your itchy feet and you will quickly see the results.

5. Peppermint Oil


Peppermint oil provides protection against any skin irritation with its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to minimize painful blisters and cools the skin.

  • Apply the oil on the affected area for a few hours;
  • Because peppermint oil is quite thick, make sure to dilute it with water for better application and results.

6. Oatmeal Soaks


Oatmeal soaks soothe itchiness and provide relief from inflammations.

  • Take a bathtub filled with warm water.
  • Put two to three cups of oatmeal in it.
  • Soak your itchy feet in the tub for a few minutes.
  • You can also apply the thickened oatmeal directly to the affected area for additional benefits.

7. Mint Tea Leaves


photo by: Basheer Tome

Mint tea leaves also work well to cure itchy feet and provide great relief from flaking skin and blisters.

  • Fill a tub with water.
  • Put some fresh mint tea leaves.
  • Soak your feet in the tub for a few minutes.

Precautions Against itchy feet 

Don’t you agree that it is much better to take some precautions against itchy feet rather than to face such an unpleasant situation? Here are some things you can do to prevent itchy feet:

  • Always keep your feet clean and dry, especially the toe area.
  • Wear breathable shoes and fresh socks.
  • Avoid wearing shoes and socks for long hours.
  • Wash your shoes and socks on a regular basis.
  • Apply moisturizer after baths or each time you wash your feet.
  • Avoid walking barefoot at swimming pools, beaches, or any other public places.

Your Turn

This article has provided you with all the necessary information on how to stop itchy feet. It is not a serious issue and can be treated simply with some extra care and home remedies.

In case your itchy feet are severely bothering you, it could mean that there are some other possible skin issues underneath. Do not hesitate to consult a physician.

We hope that this article has been helpful and advise you to pay attention to your feet. Do not be careless towards your own health.

